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  • Leverage color controls built into select HD Color printers and MFPs from OKI
  • Define who and what can print in color, black & white, or not at all
  • Exclusive: Control printing of content from specific URLs (Web sites)
  • Limit printing of Windows®, Mac®, Linux and UNIX® workstations
  • Easy to install, to review job logs, establish and revise policies
  • No network server nor additional client software required
  • Policies are password-protected for added security
  • Control the cost of bringing high-quality HD Color printing into your workplace

Perfect for Small Workgroups and Big Business

The CAPM solution suits the needs of any environment. It’s easy enough for small workgroups to use yet powerful enough even for enterprise applications.

CAPM Makes It Easy to Establish the Rules

You create the policies for printing: Print customer-facing documents such as corporate marketing materials, presentations, contracts and signage in color. Force reference material and internal reports to print in black & white. Reject personal pictures, vacation maps or sports pools altogether.

CAPM lets you assign access levels by user log-in name, PC/server name, application, file name, and URLs (Web sites). Once your policy is configured in the printer, CAPM determines how—or if—incoming jobs will print.

This is the first and only solution of its kind to control the printing of content and documents from Internet sites. With CAPM, you can select which sites or addresses will print in color or black & white and which will be blocked from printing.

Color Access Policy Manager (CAPM) Makes Printing in Color Cost Effective

You’ve already decided that the advantages of in-house color printing would greatly benefit your business—but misgivings over the possibility of abuse might be keeping you from replacing your monochrome devices, and providing open access to color printers and color MFPs.

Using HD Color printers from OKI equipped with the unique CAPM solution can help you maximize your ROI and get great professional color output only when you need it.

capm process

Track Printer Usage to Create and Affirm Policies

CAPM also gives you the ability to acquire job logs from your OKI color printers, enabling you to monitor and analyze how the devices are being used—everything from user name to application to the number of color or black & white pages printed. It’s data you can use to develop new policies or judge the effectiveness of your existing policies.

Color Access Policy Manager from OKI: get the impact of HD Color on your print output—not your printing budget.

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