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Meeting the Challenges

Today’s IT professionals are challenged to find new ways of increasing productivity and efficiency, even while dealing with budget cuts and staff reductions. One area with the most potential for saving time and money is managing the rising number of printers, copiers and multifunction products (MFPs) within the organization—print management. By choosing the right technology, businesses of all shapes and sizes can immediately boost productivity and improve their bottom line by efficiently managing the use, acquisition and replacement of equipment and supplies.

PrintSuperVision 4.0 Ensures the Kind of Results It Professionals Are Looking For

The new PrintSuperVision 4.0 is a free web application designed to remotely monitor a customer’s OKI and non-OKI devices from any accessible web browser on their network. The software monitors a device’s health, sends email alerts, reports supply status, tracks printed pages and even lets you order and track supplies online—all with just a few clicks from within the application itself.

New enhancements in version 4.0 include an “accounting module” that tracks printed pages per individual and allows print and copy costs to be charged back to those who print the most.

Available in two configurations, Professional and Enterprise, PrintSuperVison 4.0 is flexible enough to manage just a few devices, yet robust enough to manage several thousand.

PrintSuperVision Enterprise Edition

PrintSuperVision Enterprise Edition leverages the strengths of the Professional Edition, but also adds a comprehensive suite of tools for advanced network managers. It’s positioned to help larger, more geographically dispersed organizations, like school districts, healthcare facilities and law offices—monitor their device status on a day-to-day basis while providing a means to cost-effectively manage the replenishment of supplies.

For a side-by-side comparison between OKI’s PrintSuperVision Professional Edition and PrintSuperVision Enterprise Edition, view the features and benefits page.

PrintSuperVision 4.0 can grow with your organization by providing a seamless upgrade path from the Professional Edition to the Enterprise Edition when needed.

Both the Professional and Enterprise editions of PrintSuperVision 4.0 are available FREE of charge and can be downloaded by visiting the Downloads & FAQs page.


PrintSuperVision Professional Edition

PrintSuperVision Professional Edition is designed for small to medium-size organizations. Its browser interface makes it easy to start monitoring and managing devices in just minutes. You don’t even need a dedicated server to enjoy the benefits, because its “Easy Setup” option makes running PrintSuperVision Professional simple on any compatible computer.

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